A career exploration website that features more than  
600 occupations that pay $15 per hour or more and are   
projected to grow over the next 10 years

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Promising Occupations

You can simply look up promising occupations in your state or local area. We define a promising occupation as one that:

  • Pays more than $15.00 per hour
  • Is projected to grow
  • Requires short-term training
  • Has many job openings

Advanced Search

Or you can conduct a customized search of occupations in your state or local area using advanced filters, such as projected growth rate and required length of work experience.

Occupational Profile

You can find detailed information for each occupation featured on the website.

You can also get started on your career and search for local job postings, training and apprenticeship opportunities, and certificate programs on U.S. Department of Labor-sponsored websites.

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