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Aircraft Mechanics and Service Technicians

Transportation, Distribution & Logistics $23.81 Postsecondary nondegree award 22%  projected growth 70  annual job openings

Diagnose, adjust, repair, or overhaul aircraft engines and assemblies, such as hydraulic and pneumatic systems.

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Architectural and Civil Drafters

Architecture & Construction $15.16 Associate's degree 7%  projected growth 50  annual job openings

Prepare detailed drawings of architectural and structural features of buildings or drawings and topographical relief maps used in civil engineering projects, such as highways, bridges, and public works. Use knowledge of building materials, engineering practices, and mathematics to complete drawings.

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Chemical Technicians

Manufacturing $18.63 Associate's degree 6%  projected growth 110  annual job openings

Conduct chemical and physical laboratory tests to assist scientists in making qualitative and quantitative analyses of solids, liquids, and gaseous materials for research and development of new products or processes, quality control, maintenance of environmental standards, and other work involving experimental, theoretical, or practical application of chemistry and related sciences.

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Computer Network Support Specialists

Information Technology $24.51 Associate's degree 10%  projected growth 50  annual job openings

Analyze, test, troubleshoot, and evaluate existing network systems, such as local area networks (LAN), wide area networks (WAN), cloud networks, servers, and other data communications networks. Perform network maintenance to ensure networks operate correctly with minimal interruption.

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Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologists and Technicians

Manufacturing $18.03 Associate's degree 13%  projected growth 160  annual job openings

Apply electrical and electronic theory and related knowledge, usually under the direction of engineering staff, to design, build, repair, adjust, and modify electrical components, circuitry, controls, and machinery for subsequent evaluation and use by engineering staff in making engineering design decisions.

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Industrial Engineering Technologists and Technicians

Manufacturing $22.01 Associate's degree 14%  projected growth 220  annual job openings

Apply engineering theory and principles to problems of industrial layout or manufacturing production, usually under the direction of engineering staff. May perform time and motion studies on worker operations in a variety of industries for purposes such as establishing standard production rates or improving efficiency.

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Paralegals and Legal Assistants

Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security $19.60 Associate's degree 15%  projected growth 100  annual job openings

Assist lawyers by investigating facts, preparing legal documents, or researching legal precedent. Conduct research to support a legal proceeding, to formulate a defense, or to initiate legal action.

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Tool and Die Makers

Manufacturing $17.48 Postsecondary nondegree award 12%  projected growth 50  annual job openings

Analyze specifications, lay out metal stock, set up and operate machine tools, and fit and assemble parts to make and repair dies, cutting tools, jigs, fixtures, gauges, and machinists' hand tools.

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Accountants and Auditors

Finance $18.24 Bachelor's degree 10%  projected growth 970  annual job openings

Examine, analyze, and interpret accounting records to prepare financial statements, give advice, or audit and evaluate statements prepared by others. Install or advise on systems of recording costs or other financial and budgetary data.


Finance $37.31 Bachelor's degree 20%  projected growth 0  annual job openings

Analyze statistical data, such as mortality, accident, sickness, disability, and retirement rates and construct probability tables to forecast risk and liability for payment of future benefits. May ascertain insurance rates required and cash reserves necessary to ensure payment of future benefits.